1 June 2020
Mediation / Person of Trust – Why promote communication and listening?
If the announcement of the return to work is rather good news, we should not minimize the possible reactions that employees may experience: fear, demotivation, stress, anxiety. relief and perhaps uncertainty. Creating a space where employees can share what they are experiencing allows them to regain a sense of meaning in their work and to resume the course of their professional life with more serenity and ease and resulting in efficiency and performance.
This approach is also in line with the Federal Labour Law (Art. 2, OLT3) which refers to the employer’s role to take all necessary measures to ensure and improve the protection of the physical and psychological health of employees.
In order to allow you to create or regain a climate of trust that promotes the well-being of your employees and thus ensure the continuity of your activities, Sharpmania is offering 2 hours of support through the intervention of Valérie Ayer, trained in mediation (Certificate of Advanced Study – CAS – Conflict Mediation) and certified person of trust. This offer is valid until June 30, 2020.
Do not hesitate to reach out to Valerie if you need more information.
+41 78 685 59 82